Enjoy the best emotional and mental health; learn how to overcome anxiety and fear; challenge yourself, build your resilience and gain courage to change your life positively.

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“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything your decide to do”. Amelia Earhart

Want to live a more positive and fulfilled life but struggling to know how to go about it? Fear can often prevent us from progressing towards the life we want. We all need the special knowledge that will help us to overcome our fears and limiting beliefs its crucial for a life to be extraordinary and truly happy. If we are sad or depressed, it is quite possible we are living in the past. If we are anxious, it is possible we are living in the future, projecting what we believe may happen. But if we choose to live in the present and use our new found understanding of managing anxiety and focussing on the positive, we can find real happiness and peace.

“Happiness has everything to do with your mindset, and nothing to do with outside circumstance”. Steve Maraboli




Top tips for managing anxiety

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Being a parent is one of the most difficult but important jobs you will ever have.

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Our brain and bias

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Do you believe as we do, that everyone deserves to live their very best life? Sadly, few of us have the full set of skills, knowledge and tools to life a fulfilled and positive life, and we all make mistakes and learn along the way.

Here at LifeBuddy, we are worried at the general increase in women turning to antidepressants and the significant increase in anxiety and mental health issues. But what if we could take a short-cut to a happier life?

What if we could access a variety of useful, helpful tools, information and ‘how to’ guides that will enable us to create a great life and make the rest of our life, the best of our life? Join us now and receive regular updates on the latest information for living our best life.