Welcome to the LifeBuddy ‘How to’ Guides. We hope that you will enjoy and use our free resources to help make the rest of your life, the best of your life! If you need more help or advice please email us, or contact us on social media and the Community can help.

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See the ‘How to’ guides below:


Guide to Coping Skills for Difficult Times

Being resilient during difficult times is usually as a result of using different coping strategies.



Guide to Healthy eating for teenagers and know your wee and poo



Guide to Living Positively

In our Positivity Challenge we are going to blitz the negativity! Join us in our Challenge to do one positive thing every day that will set you on the path to positivity and lead to a much more fulfilling and emotionally positive life.


Guide to Living Life on your terms

What would living my best life look like? We rarely take the time to sit back and check out the answer to this question.


Guide to Addressing your Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs affect us all. They ensure we stay safely in our current life and environment, but often act to prevent us for making the real changes that take us toward a more positive, exciting and fulfilling life.


Guide to Understanding your Values

Values exist, whether we recognise them or not. Life can be much easier when we acknowledge our values and when we make decisions that acknowledge them.


Guide to Realising Awesome Goals

Over 80% of people fail to take the action needed to achieve their goals and of the 20% that do plan, less than 30% get there.


Guide to Practising Gratitude

It’s now a proven phenomenon. Shifting our focus to the positive and thinking positive thoughts will dramatically improve our chances of happiness. 


Guide to Flipping Fears (and how to banish them!)

Want to make a change in your life, but frozen with fear? Constantly thinking about all the reasons why you shouldn’t do something, rather than why you should?




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Do you believe as we do, that everyone deserves to live their very best life? Sadly, few of us have the full set of skills, knowledge and tools to life a fulfilled and positive life, and we all make mistakes and learn along the way.

Here at LifeBuddy, we are worried at the general increase in women turning to antidepressants and the significant increase in anxiety and mental health issues. But what if we could take a short-cut to a happier life?

What if we could access a variety of useful, helpful tools, information and ‘how to’ guides that will enable us to create a great life and make the rest of our life, the best of our life? Join us now and receive regular updates on the latest information for living our best life.