March's Book Review


The Happiness Project

by Gretchen Rubin



We are so excited to review The Happiness Project as our book of the month.

This great book describes Gretchen’s year-long attempt to discover what leads to true contentment and happiness.

What is meant by being happy? Gretchen wondered if it meant less guilt, less boredom, more friends and definitely more fun. She found that as she tackled each month and gradually changed the atmosphere around her, that everything else seemed to change too. As she practiced kindness, so she seemed to notice more kindness towards her, but she emphasises that creating happiness, takes practice!

Drawing on cutting edge science, a bit of philosophy, and real-world practicality, Gretchen has written an engaging, relatable diary of transformation. Her journey brings her right back to the start and to know herself better. 


If you want to purchase the book then click on the image below! 





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